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Project financing, i.e. (to use the term used by the legislator) the realization of public works without financial burden on the public administration, represents a model for the financing and realization of public works that is completely new in the discipline of the sector and that, according to the expectations of its proponents, should remedy the scarcity of public funds and the infrastructure gap that separates Italy from other industrialized countries.


Project financing, which has long been widespread in common law countries, is primarily configured as a complex economic-financial operation aimed at a specific investment for the realization of a work and/or the management of a service, on the initiative of private or public promoters (sponsors). The most authoritative experts on the subject use to define project financing as "a financing transaction of a particular economic unit, in which a lender is satisfied to consider, from the initial stage, the cash flow and profits of the economic unit in question as a source of funds that will enable repayment of the loan, and the assets of the economic unit as collateral for the loan. 



It should be noted that the use of project financing in our system is constantly expanding.

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